About Us

BIPTON is not a name, It is a progressive socially
business of a premium quality tea and BIPTON
tea enriches people’s lives.

Welcome to Bipton Tea

Krishna Industries is established in BHIWADI (Rajasthan) and Registered in MSME. Working on good quality of premium tea known as BIPTON with the all necessary Registration and has been doing well in Rajasthan region for the last few months with the annual turnover of Rs 50 lakhs across. BIPTON is not a name, It is a progressive socially business of a premium quality tea and BIPTON tea enriches people’s lives. We believe in organic and pure teas. Hence, we are going to provide good quality of tea according to taste of states. BIPTON tea goals are to provide high quality Indian tea to our people’s.

Our Mission

The mission of BIPTON tea to raise awareness of tea and tea culture in all its forms with the focus on complete customer satisfaction, we are dedicated to providing high quality tea products from some of popular tea gardens at price lower than most could ever imagine

Why Bipton Tea

We are certified users of the ‘Geographical Indication’ logos for origin of tea namely, Darjeeling, Assam, Nilgiri and Kangra issued by the Tea Board of India. None of the origin teas are mixed with teas from a different origin. What you get is a clean, unadulterated cup of pure tea to enjoy.

Right prices – Bipton Tea offers great value for money in each segment of tea.

Freshest leaves – The inventory cycle of Bipton Tea is just one and a half months, approximately half of that prevailing in the market ensuring Freshness at its best

Tea Company


Quality is our priority "One sip of this will bathe the drooping spirits in delight, beyond the bliss of dreams." To ensure only the best quality reaches the consumer, cutting edge technology is used to clean, sort, blend, flavour and pack various varieties in our product line. All the tea passes through stringent inspection at each stage of production ensuring minimum human contact with the tea Beginning with tasting the hundreds of varieties of tea from a single source to find the right blend that matches our taste and quality parameters, procuring of tea, sorting into various grades depending on the size of the leaf, cleaning the tea of impurities and foreign materials, packing them in bulk, storing, packing in a wide variety of consumer packs of an array of pure teas, flavor teas and herbal infusions, quality standards are maintained at each step by trained personnel.

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